Amici Terrazzo LLC is unique in the fact that we are the only owner-operated terrazzo flooring company in the area. An owner is always on the job-site to ensure professional workmanship and quality work at all times.

Midway Airport Project 2009
5700 S Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL

"The project proved to have many difficulties including locations of two buildings, an accelerated schedule, coordination and unforeseen conditions, which Amici handled professionally and appropriately” “ The final product produced by Amici was superior and it’s quality is far above that of the terrazzo currently installed throughout the existing airport terminals.”
General Contractor
FH Paschen NS Nielsen & Assoc. LLC

200 W. Adams
Main Lobby Renovations
200 W. Adams, Chicago, Il

This job needed “safe and free access from entry doors to the elevators for the building tenants.” “This required that we close off sections of the lobby and work in tightly scheduled phases.” “Amici needed to phase their work and make sure that the finished terrazzo always looked the same even though it was poured at different times.” “They kept on schedule and delivered a superior and beautiful product.”
General Contractor
JC Anderson, Inc.

For more information, letters of recommendations and references please contact us.